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Un cerveau pensant : entre plasticité et stabilité : psychanalyse et neurosciences
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ISBN: 9782749256412 Year: 2017 Publisher: Toulouse : Erès,

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Les concepts aujourd'hui promus par les neurosciences - causalité ascendante et descendante, émergence, plasticité... - permettent mais aussi obligent à réaborder autrement des questions anciennes comme les relations corps/esprit ou encore le débat nature/culture. Evitant tout réductionnisme, ce livre mène un dialogue rigoureux entre psychanalyse et neurosciences autour du fonctionnement du cerveau pensant.Jean-Pierre Lebrun échange avec Marc Crommelinck, professeur émérite à l'Université de Louvain, neurophysiologiste et épistémologue à propos de la psychanalyse et du développement des neurosciences. Les progrès incontestables de celles-ci ces dernières années mettent-elles en question la discipline que Freud a " inventée " et que Lacan a " réinventée " ? Leurs avancées ne contraignent-elles pas à revisiter les rapports du corps et du langage ? Ces questions sont abordées sous la forme d'un entretien vivifiant qui ne se contente pas des réponses simplistes auxquelles nous ont habitué les médias.

APA handbook of forensic neuropsychology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781433826948 1433826941 Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, DC : American Psychological Association,

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Het riskante brein : het belang en gevaar van risicogedrag bij jongeren
ISBN: 9789000352913 9000352916 9789000353545 9000353548 Year: 2017 Publisher: Houten Spectrum

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Vanuit neuropsychologisch gezichtspunt wordt de ontwikkeling van bepaalde hersenfuncties bij jongeren beschreven die verantwoordelijk zijn voor risicogedrag en wordt een verklaring voor hun 'anders zijn' gegeven. Honderden pubers belanden jaarlijks in het ziekenhuis met een alcoholvergiftiging.Ze vormen de meerderheid van gearresteerden op verdenking van misdrijven en maken de meeste ongelukken van alle weggebruikers. Het ene moment beloven ze dat ze geen alcohol of drugs gaan gebruiken en diezelfde avond gaat het al mis. Waar komt deze hang naar risicogedrag vandaan? Barbara Braams is expert op het gebied van risicogedrag in de adolescentie. Tijdens haar promotie aan de Universiteit Leiden heeft ze de invloed van leeftijd, puberteit en hersenontwikkeling op risicogedrag onderzocht. Ze werkt nu aan Harvard University waar ze de sociale invloed op risicogedrag tijdens de adolescentie onderzoekt.In Het riskante brein legt ze uit wat we de afgelopen jaren hebben geleerd over de relatie tussen risicogedrag en hersenontwikkeling, en hoe we deze kennis kunnen toepassen. Aan de hand van verschillende studies krijg je inzicht in het soms onbegrijpelijke gedrag van adolescenten en wordt duidelijk wat nu juist het belang is van dat risicogedrag.

L'examen psychologique en clinique : situations, méthodes et études de cas
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ISBN: 9782100763535 Year: 2017 Publisher: Malakoff (Hauts-de-Seine) : Dunod,

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Recueil d'études de cas d'examens ou de bilans psychologiques qui fournissent les réponses aux questions du choix des épreuves (intellectuelles ou de personnalité) et de leur utilisation, de la manière d'analyser des résultats et de rédiger le compte-rendu. Les cas étudiés sont issus de pratiques diverses et concernent enfants, adolescents et adultes dans différents contextes (hôpital ou école).

The idiot brain : a neuroscientist explains what your head is really up to
ISBN: 9781783350827 Year: 2017 Publisher: Londen Guardian books

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Neurobiological and Psychological Aspects of Brain Recovery
ISBN: 9783319520674 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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The novelty of this book's approach lies in addressing the impact of neurobiological factors as well as psychological influences on brain recovery. There is growing evidence that emotional, motivational, and cognitive factors along with personality traits play a crucial role in brain plasticity, resilience, and recovery. Topics include synaptic and neuronal plasticity, development of brain reserves, biological markers, environmental factors, psychological profile, emotional resilience, and personality traits. By combining the latest research on neural mechanisms and on psychological resilience the authors hope that this book can lead to the development of better treatment strategies for functional recovery from brain damage.

Behavioral Economics : Toward a New Economics by Integration with Traditional Economics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789811064395 Year: 2017 Publisher: Singapore Springer Singapore, Imprint: Springer

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This book is intended as a textbook for a course in behavioral economics for advanced undergraduate and graduate students who have already learned basic economics. The book will also be useful for introducing behavioral economics to researchers. Unlike some general audience books that discuss behavioral economics, this book does not take a position of completely negating traditional economics. Its position is that both behavioral and traditional economics are tools that have their own uses and limitations. Moreover, this work makes clear that knowledge of traditional economics is a necessary basis to fully understand behavioral economics. Some of the special features compared with other textbooks on behavioral economics are that this volume has full chapters on neuroeconomics, cultural and identity economics, and economics of happiness. These are distinctive subfields of economics that are different from, but closely related to, behavioral economics with many important overlaps with behavioral economics. Neuroeconomics, which is developing fast partly because of technological progress, seeks to understand how the workings of our minds affect our economic decision making. In addition to a full chapter on neuroeconomics, the book provides explanations of findings in neuroeconomics in chapters on prospect theory (a major decision theory of behavioral economics under uncertainty), intertemporal economic behavior, and social preferences (preferences that exhibit concerns for others). Cultural and identity economics seek to explain how cultures and people’s identities affect economic behaviors, and economics of happiness utilizes measures of subjective well-being. There is also a full chapter on behavioral normative economics, which evaluates economic policies based on findings and theories of behavioral economics.

Évaluation des relations entre pleine conscience dispositionnelle, cultivée et fonctions exécutives
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Il existe de nombreux articles et revues de la littérature explorant les effets bénéfiques de la pratique de la méditation en pleine conscience. La majorité d’entre eux mettent en avant un effet positif de la méditation sur le stress et l’anxiété, la douleur chronique, les symptômes dépressifs, la réduction de la pression sanguine, la consommation d’alcool ou de substances, la rumination, la flexibilité psychologique ou les capacités attentionnelles et de mémoire de travail. Malgré cette popularité, l’investigation des substrats cognitifs de la pleine conscience reste cependant à ses balbutiements. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étendre notre compréhension des liens entre méditation en pleine conscience et fonctions exécutives en deux études. La première étude se base sur des données déjà disponibles grâce à une étude menée précédemment au GIGA-CRC In vivo Imaging sur le sommeil et qui a récolté, pour un grand nombre de participants, les scores d’une échelle de pleine conscience innée (la MAAS) ainsi que plusieurs scores exécutifs. Il s’agit de savoir s’il existe une relation significative entre le score de pleine conscience et les fonctions exécutives chez des individus non-pratiquants. Sur base de ces résultats, une seconde étude a été conduite sur une population ayant suivi une formation à la MBSR ainsi que des sujets contrôles non-méditants appariés. Cette seconde étude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact de la pratique de la méditation en pleine conscience sur l’inhibition et la mise-à-jour en mémoire de travail, ainsi que de décortiquer les facettes de la pleine conscience dispositionnelle, cultivée et le lien que ces deux facettes entretiennent.

The Prefrontal Cortex as an Executive, Emotional, and Social Brain
ISBN: 9784431565086 Year: 2017 Publisher: Tokyo Springer Japan

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This book is devoted to the executive, emotional, social, and integrative functions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The PFC has usually been studied only with its executive function or with its emotional function, but recent studies indicate that the PFC plays important roles in integrating executive and emotional functions as well as in social behavior. The first part of the book reviews the functional organization of the PFC in human and nonhuman primates. The subsequent part focuses on the integrator of executive and emotional functions. The third part presents the integrator of executive and social functions, and the final part discusses the default mode of brain activities. There are chapters on animal studies, because functional significance of the PFC cannot be described without referring to those studies. Thus many methodologies are presented such as human neuropsychological, neuroimaging, and stimulation studies, and animal neuropsychological, neurophysiological, neurochemical, neuroanatomical, and neuroimaging studies. Bringing those together, this volume provides a timely and concise picture of the function of the PFC. The result is a valuable resource for students and scientists, providing up-to-date information on this emerging research topic.

Reverse Engineering the Mind : Consciously Acting Machines and Accelerated Evolution
ISBN: 9783658161767 Year: 2017 Publisher: Wiesbaden Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden :Imprint: Springer

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Florian Neukart describes methods for interpreting signals in the human brain in combination with state of the art AI, allowing for the creation of artificial conscious entities (ACE). Key methods are to establish a symbiotic relationship between a biological brain, sensors, AI and quantum hard- and software, resulting in solutions for the continuous consciousness-problem as well as other state of the art problems. The research conducted by the author attracts considerable attention, as there is a deep urge for people to understand what advanced technology means in terms of the future of mankind. This work marks the beginning of a journey – the journey towards machines with conscious action and artificially accelerated human evolution. Contents Strong AI by Fusing the Human Brain with Technology Continuous Consciousness by Artificially Extending the Mind Target Groups Lecturers and students in the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum physics/computing, psychology, neuroscience and computational neuroscience Practitioners with interest in the future of AI, working for car manufacturers, software companies or robotics companies About the Author Dr. Florian Neukart worked as a data scientist for one of the largest mobility providers worldwide and was responsible for technology and research in one of their applied research departments. He still works there as a principal data scientist and lecturer and researcher in the field of quantum computer science in both academia and industry.

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